6 Steps To Get You Started Preparing For The Coming Year

New Year has passed and now we’re getting ready for the coming year.
So how *do* you set yourself up for success this year?
Take time to slow down and review and reflect on our last year. This can help set us up for success and alignment with our values and concerns as we make our plans for the coming year.
Here are some questions to get you started. Writing down your answers can help with the thinking. It also helps with documenting your achievements and your goals and desires (which comes in handy for reviewing your progress and achievements later).

Preparing for 2024 by gill30

Till next time…

How To Have Less Stress And Guilt In December

Graphic featuring gold stars at top and hands holding earth at bottom, words 'Preparations and Waiting - 1 December. What is your intention for this December? The festive season is here. How will your celebrations reflect your values and your concerns about our world?'

Have you ever felt like December comes too fast, is too intense, and goes too fast?

I certainly have. Suddenly the festive season in full swing. Christmas and the end of the year, which seemed so far off, are now frighteningly close. So much to do in so little time. Continue reading