What Does Religion Have To Do With Living Sustainably?

Circle containing symbols of major religions within different coloured circles

Image by vaXzine, Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

In our current world we see a lot of violence and environmental destruction. Much of this is done in the guise of following religious teachings. Conflict between religious groups tends to highlight perceived differences between them.

And yet we have more in common than we have differences between us.

We all live on – and share – the one finite planet.

We are all part of, and dependent upon, the Earth’s ecosystems. We are not separate from them. All Continue reading

Minimising Risks To Survival: Changes Needed On Climate Change

Planet Earth with a fever, held in handsHave you ever had seen one of those movies where the hero is trapped, facing what looks to be certain death?  Perhaps they have trapped in a secret chamber with apparently no way out when suddenly water starts pouring in.  Or maybe they have been bound in chains, attached to a heavy weight and tossed into the ocean.  Or then there’s that old favourite where the villain locks them onto a conveyor belt and leaves them to the machinations that will lead them to Continue reading

Changing Habits To Live Sustainably

There is a theory Earth in your hands 11296348_lthat there is only one story: the journey – with a Hero, a Villain, a Direction, and an Outcome. The Hero goes on a quest, but a Villain stands in the way.

Fairy tales

Now, we’re all familiar with fairy tales.

You know, someone (the Hero/Victim, Continue reading

7 Reasons Not To Miss This – And What To Do If You Do

Some weeks it’s Time Flies --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbishard to keep up with how quickly the world is changing.

Yes, part of that is the climate crisis: we live in a world that’s been profoundly and dangerously altered.

But the politics of climate change are changing too, and some weeks you can feel a tangible shift in what is possible and what is not.

This is one of those weeks, and Global Divestment Day is a chance to be part of that shift. Together, people all over the world are changing the game and Continue reading

Change Your Bank For A Powerful Impact On Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Coal-fired power plant at Datteln, Germany

Image by Tyler at www.clker.com/clipart-350479

Last week I spoke about our addiction to fossil fuels. I put the question: can we put in the effort needed to break our addiction to fossil fuels before it’s too late?

Now, before we can break an addiction we need to recognise the problem.

In the case of climate change, that’s easy: there’s plenty of evidence that how we have been doing things in recent decades and centuries is cooking the planet… Continue reading