Sustainable Living…In The Real World

Live more sustainably when you’re flat out just living?  Can you really do that?

In my salaried career, I bought a 1950s brick veneer house to renovate, got married, had some children – you know the deal.  Of course I wanted my home to look good…but I also wanted to make my house and garden sustainable, using permaculture principles where possible.  And if I could, I wanted to do it myself, at no or low cost and using off-the-shelf products…all while climbing the ladder to success at work and in the rest of my life and doing so with great health! So off I went.

But you know how it is…life gets in the way.  I know what it’s like to have work pressures…to become a single parent…to have major health problems…to have to suddenly live on a fraction of your old income – and to have to rebuild your life.  And continue with home improvements.

During my journey, I have gathered a wealth of knowledge and experience.  Lots of people said I should share it.  So I am.

I now devote my life to my passion : sharing my time, enthusiasm, and over 25 years’ worth of knowledge and experience with living sustainably to help ordinary people live more sustainably, both personally and environmentally. And I love spending time with my family.

So why this blog?

Because you and I want to find out how other people do things…in real life.

Because I know that even if you know what to do…it’s another thing entirely to actually do it…to know how to do it…to start it…to finish it…because life gets in the way of even the best of our intentions (unless, of course, you and the rest of your household are perfect zealots in doing things the ‘right way’ – but then, I guess you wouldn’t be reading this!)

And because I want us to get to know each other!  (Check out About for more about Sustainable Jill.)

OK – but what exactly will be in this blog?

This blog is about environmental sustainability and personal sustainability. But it won’t be dry or academic.

I will be sharing what I have learned – and continue to learn – along the way of re-building my health and life…and the reality of trying to live more sustainably, from what I do on a day-to-day basis and new things I try.  And we’ll share a wry smile when I tell you about things not always going according to plan…and you’ll see what I do about it.

Sometimes I’ll talk about household sustainability – the physical home – the actual building and the garden – and our practices – our choices and our habits…and reducing the adverse impact that our living has on our precious planet.

At other times I will talk about personal sustainability…and reducing the adverse impact modern living has on us personally – physically and mentally…and living a life that is successful and sustainable.

And a theme that ties these 2 streams together?  Energy efficiency – living the life we want to live with the minimum amount of energy (effort).

In this way, we will share our burdens and our journey of living more sustainably.

Please, join me on this journey…and tell your friends and family.

Want to say something?  Please do!

Please leave comments, ask questions, let me know about what you want me to talk about, share your story.  Just pop them in the comments box…and please keep to the topic and be polite – don’t spam me or swear : this site is a supportive, positive place!

Till next time…be gentle to yourself and our world!

PS  Most of my posts won’t be this long – I hate long posts – but I thought I should let you know what this blog is about…

  • Coming soon… Oh no! The utility bills are here again!