Image: Teona Swift via Pexels
Are you really concerned about what’s happening to our climate, environment, health, and society – yet don’t know the best things to do to ensure a safe, healthy and prosperous future?
Have you ever felt guilty that your busy lifestyle and habits don’t match your concerns?
Are you so flat out with your work career and family that you feel overwhelmed and too busy to even start to look at how you’re living your life?
I have found that putting my values and concerns top of my decision-making simplifies my life and reduces my feelings of guilt, overwhelm and stress.
Evidence says living with integrity matters
Research tells us that when we behave in ways that are consistent with our values we feel so much better. Our children and grandchildren – indeed, broader society – also benefits. And when our values concern caring for our world and the people we love, they also benefit.
There was a period of my life when I was so busy with my demanding job and looking after young children that I was running myself ragged and taking shortcuts to fit ‘everything’ in. I had lost track of what was most important and was so busy trying to do ‘everything’ as right as possible that I lost sight of doing more of what’s right.
Eventually life made me stop and take a breather – two or three times. It wasn’t how I had envisaged my life.
Yet, a lot of work and thinking over a period of several years, I eventually worked out the keys to living in ways that really care for our world and the people I love. And my life has become simpler as a result.
What you can do
I’d like to save you time, effort and stress in your endeavour to live according to your strong values and the care you have for our world and your family. I need your help first, though.
I know what my major concerns are.
I also know what my biggest barriers to integrating them into my life have been.
To best serve you, though, I need to have some understanding about what your biggest concerns and biggest barriers to taking action are.
I could ask ChatGPT to tell me what other people like us have said. Yet ChatGPT will only find what some people have put on the internet. And it may not accurately reflect your concerns and barriers.
So, what are your biggest concerns and your biggest barriers to living life according to your values and concerns? Let me know in this quick 2-3-minute survey!
In the survey you’ll get to have your say about what your biggest concerns about our world are. You can say what your biggest barriers to taking action to integrate your concerns and values into your life are.
Why it’s important
Making issues conscious is the first step to addressing them. Will your issues be the same as what ChatGPT has found on the web up to 2021?
Have your say in this quick survey now!
I’m on a mission to help busy, professional, working parents and grandparents like you – people who are striving to align their lifestyle, habits, and choices with their care and concern about climate change, the environment, health, societal changes, and the future well-being of their family.
Your views will be so helpful this work.
I can’t wait to see the results of the survey!
A problem shared is a problem halved. We’re all affected by the changes to our world so we need to be all in on the action!
Till next time…