Small Actions For Big Results

How long does it take to become sustainable?

And how much effort does it take?

These are very difficult questions to answer – if they can be answered at all.

One thing I do know is that it is usually much easier to avoid damaging something than it is to (try to) fix up any damage later.  I am sure that is something we can all relate to.  And it certainly applies to the environment.  Let me explain – and show you how one simple action can make a big difference. Continue reading

1 Step In A Different Direction Sets Us On A Different Path

Once upon a time, I thought that New Year resolutionsTime for change 8620349_l were about making me a better person. You know, the usual ‘lose weight, get fit’.

Or about new experiences or ways of looking at life. Things like ‘read a new book every month’ or ‘laugh more’. Continue reading

Local Production Means Local Sustainability

One of the things I love about going away is experiencingMango slushie the things you can’t experience at home.

I’ve just spent a lovely week on Queensland’s Sunshine CoastContinue reading

Just How Much Sustainability Bang Do You Get For Your Buck?

One of the keys to living sustainably when you lead a Money - pile of gold barsbusy life is knowing where to put your effort…where you can get the biggest ‘bang for your buck’.

In fact, just how much sustainability bang do you get for your buck?

Are you aware of how much influence your money can make? Continue reading

Be Inspired To Take Action!

Why do you want to live more sustainably?

Do you know?

Are you really clear about your reasons and priorities?

Why doesn’t everyone wants to live more sustainably? Continue reading