Delicious Bread From Regenerative Farming

Bread in paper bag

Day 70 of 365 Days Of Low Carbon Living: discovering delicious bread, made from single-source flour from wheat grown using regenerative farming.

It’s always interesting buying a different version of one of your staple foods.

Yesterday I noticed a bakery cafe had a visually attractive display of hand-crafted breads Continue reading

Could Slowing Down Be What We Need?

RestingDay 46 of 365 Days Of Low Carbon Living.

Sometimes things don’t quite turn out the way you planned.

It’s been quite a while since my last post, and there were a few gaps before that – definitely not what I set out to do with 365 Days Of Low Carbon Living.

Continue reading

One Simple Gesture Can Make A World Of Difference

Palm of hand with smiley on it

Image: Ben Smith, Flickr CC-BY-SA 2.0

If you live in the country or a small town, you almost certainly will notice something when you visit a big city: people don’t smile or greet you as you walk past.

If you live in a big city, chances are that you won’t even notice that it’s missing.

It’s something I notice, particularly Continue reading

6 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Body and Your Planet

New Year resolution book & pen Flickr vanhookc CC BY-SAAnother year over, and a new one just begun. Happy New Year and may it be a wonderful one!

As 2015 begins, but before it starts to speed away, many of us will be taking a moment to look back. A brief chance to take stock of the past and with this in mind, plan changes for the Continue reading

Goals For Planning A New Urban Development – Or Home…

Picture of bland medium density development and street

Recently completed residential units in Kingston, ACT, Australia. (I could have chosen some even newer and more boring ones in the same suburb, but these were handy.)
Image by Gillian King, CC BY-NC-SA

In my last post I wrote about the current and emerging complicated and complex challenges for urban planning and development and how collaboration can address these challenges – and get good outcomes.

If you were planning a new urban development – or a new home – what would be your goals for addressing these challenges?

Think about it for a moment.

If you were living or working in – or Continue reading