What Does Religion Have To Do With Living Sustainably?

Circle containing symbols of major religions within different coloured circles

Image by vaXzine, Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

In our current world we see a lot of violence and environmental destruction. Much of this is done in the guise of following religious teachings. Conflict between religious groups tends to highlight perceived differences between them.

And yet we have more in common than we have differences between us.

We all live on – and share – the one finite planet.

We are all part of, and dependent upon, the Earth’s ecosystems. We are not separate from them. All Continue reading

The Airport Shuffle

If you travel by air, how do you get to and from the airport?

I mentioned in my last post that I recently had to travel interstate (to Melbourne, Australia) and then internationally (to Florida, USA). And both trips were at short notice. While I prefer to travel long distance by rail or coach, sometimes air travel is unavoidable.

And now that I am back and the dust has settled, I have been reflecting on how different people’s perspectives affect the choices they make…in this case, in doing the airport shuffle. Continue reading