Does Your Personal Effort To ‘Save The Environment’ Make Any Difference?

Do you ever wonder if the little things Question mark red 3D glossy that you do to try and ‘save the environment’ actually make any difference?

Sometimes it can feel like our effort is too small to make a difference…especially when we are trying to send a message to the companies and governments with which we interact.

We’re making an effort (even if it’s a small one) but Continue reading

Savage Summer Survival

It’s summer.Earth in hands temperature rising 9327851_l

It’s hot. Very hot. Smashing records hot.

And it’s dry. Very dry. We’ve had no useful rain for over 2½  months.

And it’s bushfires. And that means more heat. And smoke. And burnt grass and trees…and Continue reading

1 Step In A Different Direction Sets Us On A Different Path

Once upon a time, I thought that New Year resolutionsTime for change 8620349_l were about making me a better person. You know, the usual ‘lose weight, get fit’.

Or about new experiences or ways of looking at life. Things like ‘read a new book every month’ or ‘laugh more’. Continue reading

Good News And Bad News

Three months ago I wrote about how slowly the Steam locomotive wheelswheels of large, conservative organisations can turn, especially when responding to questions they’d rather not answer…or are just simply hard work for them.

And I mentioned how I had finally received a response from my main superannuation (retirement) fund.

Well, a short time ago I finally received a response from my other superannuation (retirement) fund. Continue reading

Queuing Up To Switch Banks

Queue of people wanting to close ANZ bank accounts, Melbourne, Australia, October 2013

Image courtesy Australia

What are these people waiting for?

They’re queuing up to close their bank accounts.


Because they discovered that their money in the bank was being used to wreak environmental damage.

At the start of the (Australian) financial year, I wrote about how your money in the bank – if it’s the wrong bank – can Continue reading