Do You Use Public Transport? Why – Or Why Not?

Map - ACTION weekday 2013 - partHow to you travel around each day to do the things you do?

Do you drive a car? Get a lift with someone? Catch a bus, train, tram or ferry? Ride a bike? Walk? (Here’s something to think about: unless you can’t actually walk, we all walk for at least part of our journeys.)

Why do you choose to travel the way you do? Continue reading

Goals For Planning A New Urban Development – Or Home…

Picture of bland medium density development and street

Recently completed residential units in Kingston, ACT, Australia. (I could have chosen some even newer and more boring ones in the same suburb, but these were handy.)
Image by Gillian King, CC BY-NC-SA

In my last post I wrote about the current and emerging complicated and complex challenges for urban planning and development and how collaboration can address these challenges – and get good outcomes.

If you were planning a new urban development – or a new home – what would be your goals for addressing these challenges?

Think about it for a moment.

If you were living or working in – or Continue reading

What Is The Key To Successful Sustainable Urban Development?

I was recently involved in consultation Woman showing frustration and holding on to hairabout planning for a new suburban development.  We were responding to a proposal from a developer.

Most of us involved do not have any problem with development per se, especially increasing density in existing urban areas. That’s because it can be an exciting step forward in Continue reading