Washing Plastic Bags For Re-use

Washing plastic bags for re-use

Day 63 of 365 Days Of Low Carbon Living: the how and why of washing plastic bags for re-use.

The first question you are probably asking is…

What?! You wash plastic bags for re-use?

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Avoid Plastic Food Packaging By Buying Bulk Dry Foods

Dry foods - in bulk (loose, sold without packaging)

Day 62 of 365 Days Of Low Carbon Living:  buying and storing bulk dry goods to avoid plastic food packaging.

In recent years more and more of our food is sold in plastic packaging.

With all that plastic is contributing to pollution and climate damage, avoiding it is a vital Continue reading

Cooking Dried Beans In A Slow Cooker = Easy Preparation For #MeatfreeMonday

Cooking beans in slow cooker

Days 60 and 61 of 365 Days Of Low Carbon Living: cooking dried beans in a slow cooker before using them in a quick climatarian, vegetarian, vegan or #MeatfreeMonday meal.

Dried beans are an inexpensive source of protein with a low carbon footprint – perfect for Continue reading

Recovery And Reconnection Through Switching Off, Time With Nature

Bobin Creek

Day 59 of 365 Days Of Low Carbon Living: recovery and reconnecting with people and the natural world by switching off.

Our dominant western culture extols continuous growth and push us to be on the go all the time and living individual lives.

It’s very tempting to go along with it, especially given the social pressures to ‘fit in’ and Continue reading

5 Steps For Re-using And Recycling Paper ‘Begging Letters’

Re-using and recycling begging letters

Day 58 of 365 Days Of Low Carbon Living: re-using and recycling paper begging letters.

Do you find yourself inundated with mail you haven’t asked for?

I do, especially as the end of financial and calendar years approach. Continue reading