Spring has sprung…and weeds are everywhere!

After the low energy of winter, spring in Australia has gonePink blossoms on dwarf nectarine tree off with a BANG!

Canberra had its warmest first day of spring on record.

Then we had our earliest ‘summer’ storm. (Finally, some rain!) Continue reading

Drawing The Line – Getting Free From Big Oil

Man holding petrol pump nozzle to his head

Image: Fotolia

A couple of protests have made headlines in the last few days.

The first appears to have been big news in Canada and the US and amongst environmental organisations. It was the Draw the Line day of action organised by 350.org against the proposed Keystone XL pipeline to transport oil from Canadian tar sands to Texas for refining.

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No-Brainers For The Equinox

Next weekend is the equinox.Caulking outside

In the northern hemisphere, days will become shorter than nights. And that means that there is less sunlight to heat our homes and atmosphere…and more time to lose that heat.

In the southern hemisphere, it means that days will become Continue reading

The Problem With Getting Sidetracked

Have you heard the saying ‘if you don’t know Red arrows pointing to silver ballwhere you’re going, any road will take you there‘? It’s about being clear where you want to go.

Clarity is absolutely vital for success. That’s because, if you are very clear about your goals, you will do whatever it takes to get there…and you are much less likely to get distracted by things that are relevant to you reaching your goals. Continue reading

Are You Being An Ostrich?

What do you do when you are facing a very big, very hard

Do you put your head in the sand and hope it will go away?

If you do, you’re not alone.

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