Solstice = time for a home energy efficiency check-up

It’s the middle of winter where I live in the southern Electricity consumption neighbourhood comparisonhemisphere.

We’ve just past the winter solstice and today I’ve been to a funeral.

Appropriately, the weather has been cold, gloomy and raining.  Continue reading

Getting across town – practical sustainability?

Sometimes it’s just too hard.Metropolitan bus interior - blue seats, yellow poles 🙁

Doing things a sustainable way, that is.

Especially in our current society…which is still mainly geared for the non-sustainable way of doing things.

At least it is in Australia, with our spread-out cities and towns…and public transport that is slow, or infrequent, or non-existent…especially at weekends. Continue reading

Just How Much Sustainability Bang Do You Get For Your Buck?

One of the keys to living sustainably when you lead a Money - pile of gold barsbusy life is knowing where to put your effort…where you can get the biggest ‘bang for your buck’.

In fact, just how much sustainability bang do you get for your buck?

Are you aware of how much influence your money can make? Continue reading

Be Inspired To Take Action!

Why do you want to live more sustainably?

Do you know?

Are you really clear about your reasons and priorities?

Why doesn’t everyone wants to live more sustainably? Continue reading